
Afterthoughts on June

jul 01, 2022  ·  197 words  ·  1 minute read


The May edition had been skipped and though June was not too uneventful either, let's give updates anyway.

Balcony Sofa

Since we moved to Switzerland we can enjoy a balcony again, which we missed in our German flat. Naturally we did not have any furniture for balconies (and the majority are freakishly expensive) so we build a EUR-pallet based sofa.

Balcony Sofa

MetalMittwoch Syntax Checked

Throughout June I have spent a good portion of my time on checking all metalmittwoch playlist pages for spelling errors, wording/naming alignments, case sensivity, syntactical issues, etc. It's amazing how much of those little things you sometimes miss. A good part of the checks had been performed via a Python script and I have to admit that I really start to enjoy it - yes, says the Perl guy.

The Big Move

The biggest change to the blog is certainly the migration from Github Pages to Codeberg Pages which is effective Jul 1 2022.

#afterthoughts #review #personal